How to Apply for Portuguese Citizenship

How can I apply for citizenship with Portugal?

After all the research and work gathering documents, obtaining certifications, translations, legalizations, and apostilles you may be ready to to apply for Portuguese citizenship.

It is critical to make sure all of your documentation is flawless and meets the current requirements of the Portuguese government prior to sending it off for submission.

We have made this guide to help you understand exactly where you need to go and how to apply for Portuguese citizenship.

Check out these other guides for help along your journey:

How to apply for Portuguese citizenship - flag of Portugal

Before You Start: How Do I Know I Qualify?

The first step is figuring out how you qualify. We have an entire guide to learn how to get Portuguese citizenship given your exact situation.

Once you identify the correct pathway for you, you will need to follow the documentation requirements specific to it. But first, you must identify the correct Portuguese citizenship application.

Which Portugal Citizenship Application Do I Fill Out?

The actual application changes depending on the route you take. Below is an easy-to-use reference list:

For a full list of applications, including those for much more rare situations, check out the Portugal government website.

Where Do I Apply for Portuguese Citizenship?

Do Applications Cost Money?

Your application fee is €250. You must submit proof that you paid this fee along with your application.

Expect additional costs related to other eligibility requirements (e.g., language proficiency tests, translation of documents, lawyer fees).

Help to Apply for Portuguese Citizenship

Feeling overwhelmed? There’s no need to worry. PDC works with clients worldwide learning how to apply for Portuguese citizenship who are making their dreams of life in Portugal a reality, and that all starts with a 100% free call to our expert team.

We can answer any questions you have, and we can find out the exact support package you might need for ongoing help through the process.

Do You Qualify?

Want to learn more about applying for Portuguese citizenship? Contact us, we offer a free consultation to help confirm your eligibility.